
Making the Faith and Fitness Connection

Getting Back on Track

So, as we all know there are tons of excuses that we can provide on a daily basis why we can’t do something. It’s not like we’ll have to think very hard, because the mere hustle of life provides us with tons of options to choose from. But, we all can attest that there is a point where the “rubber must meet the road”. That’s the point where things physically and spiritually begin to take shape and you start demonstrating the power of your true self.

Truth for everyone is not displayed in the same way all of the time. It’s often literally confusing to others who look from the outside why this particular thing makes you happy or this sort of relationship brings you joy, but the power of it is so evident to you. You can’t deny it. Getting to the point of change within yourself is where it all begins. How you get there has more to do with it than anything else.

Have you ever considered your faith as being a strong catalyst to any physical change that you desire to see? It might sound foreign, but the position of your spirit fuels the motivation you need to become successful in your fitness goals. How you interpret the power of your will is a great question to start the journey to living your best life in your best self. Guess what? Only you know what that looks like.

Often times, we allow the picture of our lives to be shaped and colored by individuals that don’t have a clue of what we really look like beyond what they can see. Consequently, we spend unnecessary energy living a life spiritually and physically that doesn’t compare with our true potential and the possibility that we all possess to change the world.

Confidence Helps You Get Started

There are so many ways that we lose confidence. There are probably many of you who are reading this who are trying to figure out if you really ever had any. It might sound strange, but many people constantly deal with feelings of hopelessness in their fitness goals, because of hopelessness in the spiritual life. Things are just not making sense. Remember this, everything connected to your spirit matters. Your body rehearses everything that is first presented in your spirit. Confidence is something that happens within yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s trying out for the baseball team or attempting to join the spin class at the gym for the first time. Confidence helps you get started. What if I told you that the lack of confidence ends the challenge before you ever start? The idea that you won’t meet the finish line just might stop you from giving it your best. Believe this, your life deserves your best effort. Seeing your life as a container that holds great treasure is just the attitude you need to put the right amount of effort towards the task to yield the greatest results.

Making the Mind and Body Connection

There are tons of ways that you can fill the gap between your mind and body. One of the greatest ways is to surround yourself with individuals of like pursuit. I know that this sounds simple, but for many people it’s an extremely hard thing to do. The desire to be accepted, honored and valued is something that many of us deal with on a daily basis.Whether you are wealthy or still working towards life’s goals, there’s a part of you that still longs for those three elements. But surrounding yourself with people that are going in the same direction plays a huge role in you meeting and completing your fitness goals. Just imagine that you do signup for that spin class. Now picture the classroom full of participants. Some of them of experts, but many of them are amateurs there for the first time. Let’s pause there for a moment. Sometimes we delay our progress because we assume that everyone is an expert. Don’t you know that most people have the same issues that you have, but they’ve just found a way to make it look good? Go into every fitness goal with an understanding that the person that you’re looking at as an example is most likely working three times harder. Ok, let’s un-pause and continue the picture.

So, the class is full. Everyone is on their bikes. The music is setting the stage for a ride that will take loads of energy, but you’re motivated. Motivated, but still unsure. Guess what? Being motivated to start a goal does not mean that you are sure that you have what it takes to complete it. This is where being surrounded by the right people will help you out.

The music continues. The instructor starts to count down. Five, four, three, two and one. You’re off. The ride begins. Let’s just assume that it’s a little more difficult that you imagined and you want to give up. But something awesome happens. You look around the room and notice that every wheel in the room is in motion. Some are going faster than others but everyone is doing something.

Being surrounded by others who are doing the same thing at different paces helps you in the journey. Because at every stage of your journey whether you making great strides or not so many, you realize that it’s okay. Why? Because you have an example of that same pace around you and the marvelous thing is that they’re still moving.

Here are five ways to KEEP IT MOVING:

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1. Identify Your Purpose

Not everyone starts the race for the same purpose. Many people sign up for just the experience and others are more focused on the prize or beating their last race record. Completing your fitness goals has a lot to do with you personally identifying the reason why you have started. It might be for health purposes or because you’ve just decided to change the way you appear. Both are ok. The only way it can become confusing is if you attempt to finish a goal that you never purposed to complete. Know from the beginning why this fitness goal is important for you. If you stay focused, you’ll meet every goal in a manner that is peace to you instead of frustration.

2. What’s most valuable about this process?

The lessons that you’ll learn as you work hard, be determined and fight to be dedicated are more valuable than any physical goal you meet. The things that you literally learn about yourself and the will of your human spirit will astound you and demonstrate to others how strong you really are. Every time you are able to check off a goal or evaluate how long you’ve stuck to your decision will prove something extremely powerful. Remain steadfast on the values that you set during this process. It’s probably a great idea to jot down a few values that you seek to discover at the beginning of your fitness journey. In the middle of your journey, jot down the things that you are learning that you never thought you would. Lastly, once you meet every goal jot down how proud of yourself you are that you did it and refused to stop.

3. Be accountable to what you need

Only you know what you need to get it done. Sometimes we assume that others should automatically know what we need, but that’s far from the truth in most instances. If you require a special level of support to finish your fitness goals, don’t hesitate to ask for that specifically from those closely connected to you. If you need a gentle push to work out or if you require a stronger persuasion it’s perfectly okay to ask. Give those in your life the opportunity to support your fitness goals in whatever way they can.

4. Evaluate your passions

Connecting your passions to fitness goals is an extra push that some of us need in order to get it done. It also helps with the confidence you need to finish well. Choosing the routine that closely matches another area of your life might give you the needed comfort in something that is honestly new for you. Even though it’s a new challenge within yourself it will seem familiar giving you a fearless approach to a new thing.

5. Recognize your Strengths

Don’t allow the areas of your health or fitness goals that you are weak in to devalue the areas where you are strong. Don’t allow yourself to be pressured to have the same level of excellence in every exercise or in every area of fitness. Sometimes you are great in one area, but progressing slowly in another . Don’t throw your entire experience in one bucket. Know where you are weak, but throw yourself a party in every area where you soar.

Hopefully, after reading this you have decided to give your fitness journey another shot. If you’re already on the track hopefully you’ll decide to put a little more effort in the race. And lastly, if you’re at the end of one goal hopefully you won’t stop there. There are many more goals that you can set for yourself and complete with peace, wholeness and great joy. Let’s do it together.


Aaron J. Mobley, Jr is a motivational speaker, ministry leader and author of several books designed to promote your best self through the journey of setting goals, providing principles while honoring the process and every moment it brings. He is also the creator of the virtual faith and fitness resource center whose aim is to connect spirituality with fitness advancing peace in every area of life. For more articles and resources please visit www.aaronjmobley.com.

This Article is submitted by Encounter, the Magazine

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