HEADNOTES: Holidae and “A Man Called Tez” listen to a song Holidae heard from another podcast he listens to (Don’t worry, Holidae asked for permission to rate the song since it was not sent to him). Together, the opinions and discussion about this song keeps Holidae and “A Man Called Tez” going back and forth about what they like, and do not like about the song.
Share a moment and two with the guys and listen to, and review “Faster Forward” by S.E.L.O.R.M.
Audio PlayerRATINGS: (Each rating goes on a 5 point scale)
Category\Holidae’s Rating\A Man Called Tez’s Rating
Beat (does the beat get it poppin’)\4\5
Hook (does it stick)\5\4
Substance (Does it mean anything)\5\5
Playability (Can it be played anywhere)\4\4
Mix-down (production value)\3\3
Overall Score: \21\21
Special guests:
Music cuts from Faster Forward by S.E.L.O.R.M.
iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/faster-forward/1469457203?i=1469457205
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Selormaggedon
Shout out to Culture Kings and The Daily Zeitgeist… they were also mentioned in this podcast.
Selorm’s interview on Culture Kings: https://www.culturekingspod.com/podcasts/musical-performance-with-selorm.htm
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