
Jeffrey Epstein: He Raped Little Girls, Then Blackmailed Others Who Raped Little Girls

By: Holidae X


I should have written this a few months ago.  For that, I apologize.  Over the past few months, I’ve dove head first into getting my podcasting, website, and merchandise together at www.distractionnetwork.com.  Whenever I wasn’t doing that, I was either taking care of my family, working my full-time job, or writing papers for the Master’s Degree. I was just awarded my Master’s Degree and I will be paying for it until my 1-year old graduates from college.    Today though, I’m going to give you my complete opinion on the Epstein issue, I researched months ago.

Let’s start with his death.  An apparent hanging in accordance with the prison staff who guarded him.  August 10,2019, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell.  While being housed at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, we were told that Epstein decided to take his own life for the second time in two months.  He decided to take his life in the same way he tried to a month prior (by month, I meant a little over 2 weeks) according to NBC News.

The story being generated by the authorities is that Jeffrey Epstein did not think he would beat the charges and thought it was better to take his own life, than to face the consequences of raping little girls and selling them to rich people to rape… allegedly.  Now, the reason why I needed to add allegedly to the last sentence was because even though there are mountains of evidence with named persons which includes a Prince named Andrew, a sitting president with a hotel chain, and a former president who was almost impeachedfor having sex with a young intern in his oval office, is because he pleaded guilty to the extremely lesser charge of “soliciting an underage prostitute”.  To be clear, this was an open and shut case of raping and pimping out a girl. Also, there were over 40 victims with virtually the same story. The prosecutors used the word ‘same’ (Sarnoff & Aitken 2019).

With a looming trial over his head, but after beating a case with more than 3 times the victims of the previous trial, I can’t be fed that line of reasoning and believe it. In an example of what traits, a rich narcissistic person does while going through a trial, just take a look at his 2008 case.  This is a man who’s victims and witnesses claim have video of very powerful people committing lewd acts with children.  It was found by multiple investigations that he spent over $350,000 in paying off witnesses and since the plea deal came from nowhere, possibly used recorded evidence to intimidate some.  Jeffrey Epstein was originally facing charges from raping and pimping over 40 girls, with his resources, he was able to get that charge down to “Soliciting an Underage Prostitute”.  Have I mentioned that this deal was made while the victims had no idea it was even being considered?  I personally, don’t think the new charges would be overwhelming enough for him to not think he could overcome.

In the autopsy, the results show he was hung until he was dead.  That is the fact concluded.  You will find some publications rushing to say this was a suicide, case closed.  You will find other speculations to say the broken bones were not consistent with the room that he was in since the bones that were broken in his neck is consistent with strangulation with his body dropped from a high fall more than the short fall. I enclosed references from CNN, FoxNews, New York Times, and The Washington Post.  Reading from more than one source is important in this manner.

In the references, there is an article written by The Cutthat goes into some of the victims of Jeffrey Epstein as they tell their own stories.  I definitely recommend reading this article.  I have not interviewed any of these women and I think this article did a decent job telling each woman’s story of how he manipulated and abused them as well as how he instructed some of them to position themselves so the camera can see the men better.  You know, details.

No matter what we think about his death what we should learn from this story is that we, as citizens, should take pedophilia more seriously.  The deal that was reached in 2008 should not have been accepted by the citizens in Florida.  The authorities that took away Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide watch should have been checked by oversight. Ironically, these people are Alex Acosta, who resigned as Labor Secretary of the current Trump administration and William Barr, the Attorney General of the current Trump administration.

Growing up in the small town of Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina, I learned that being associated with criminals makes yourself a criminal.  I thought that was just something my relatives said to keep me away from all the fun stuff.  When I joined the Navy, my superiors gave me the same rule.  Again, I thought they were all just haters and didn’t want me to have fun.  I realize, this is only a rule for a certain class of people.  Jeffrey Epstein was a sexual predator.  Half of the last 4 Presidents of the United States have been accused, with evidence, of predatory acts along with at least 2 judges.  These people keep association with themselves, lawyers, and peacekeepers and are not associated with criminals.  Nope, these people are the lawmakers of our country. The acts committed by these men is only considered to be criminal behavior if you only have R Kellymoney (another person who should be thrown under the jail).








Andone, D., Hanna, J. (2019).  Jeffrey Epstein’s cause of death was suicide. By hanging, medical examiner says. CNN.com

Associated Press.  (2019). R. Kelly judge to proceed to trail despice new cases.

Barrett, D., (2019). Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy concludes his death was a suicide by hanging. Washington Post

Chamberlain, S. (2009). New York medical examiner: Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide by hanging. FoxNews.com

Goldsmith, S.  (2008) Jeffrey Epstein Pleads Guilty to Prostitution Charges, New York Post.

Sarnoff, C., Aitken, L. (2019). Jeffrey Epstein:  How the Hedge Fund Mogul Pedophile Got off Easy. The Daily Beast.

Schwiegershausen, E. (2019). Will We. Ever Know How Many Girls Jeffrey Epstein Abused?. The Cult.

Watkins, A., Gold, M.  (2019).Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Results Show He Hanged Himself in Suicide. The New. York Times

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