Freestyle Friday

South Africa, Keep Going

South Africa, Keep Going


Holidae reminds the listeners that Trump has been trying to figure out a way to infiltrate South Africa for almost a decade.  

This just seems to be an attack on the country where his ‘acting’ president Elon Musk is from for reasons, likely, of precious jewels and metals).  

The question, as Americans who live in a country where land can be seized by the government for any reason, at all, should be asking ourselves is: “Is this any of our business?” 


The fake genecide of white farmers (2016):–0_liJQLFhoCq4QQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

The fake claim that there are land seizures from white people (2025):

Holidae X

BlueSky:  HolidaeX // IG: @HolidaeX // 

TT: @HolidaeX // YT: @DistractonNetwork



SC @Black Adams

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